Create Partition for Ubuntu and mounted to Exacq edvr Directory

It took me awhile to get to this as there website doesn’t load world wide, so I’m reposting here for those that may have the same issue I was having.

Recently, I have attempted to install Exacq Server on Ubuntu operating system. In this example, we will attempt to partition, format the partition, create mounting point, and finally map the drive to Exacq Server recording location. We will be using terminal commands to achieve all this.

Before you create partition, you will need to locate the hard drive location name in the Ubuntu OS.

1) Create Partition

View detected devices of class “DISK”

$ sudo lshw -C disk

2.View existing partition table(s)

$ sudo fdisk -l

make sure to select the correct partition

In this example, we will create imaginary hard drive location name. We will use sda.

$ sudo fdisk /dev/sda

Within FDISK, press:

Type ‘n’ and press enter key to create new partition. Remaining options, please leave default selections. When you get to the end, you will receive message stating partition was created.

Type w and press enter to write and finalize the partition creation.

2) Format Partition

MKFS is type of hard drive partition used to create a file system of Linux Operating system.

$ sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sda

3) Mounting point

By default, Exacq server choose the OS hard drive as first partition. Since computer, the numbers start at 0, we need to choose different number. We need to create a folder inside recording location, mnt/edvr/, of Exacq Server.

creating the mounting directory

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/edvr/1

After creating directory, you will need to point the formatted partition to the newly created edvr/1. We will mirror /dev/sda to /mnt/edvr/1

$ sudo nano /etc/fstab

$ sudo /dev/sda /mnt/edvr/1 ext4 defaults 0 0

4) restart mount:

$ sudo mount -a

5: restart edvr service, if unable to restart reboot Ubuntu OS

$ sudo service edvrservice restart

In case it fails to restart, simply restart the OS.

$ sudo reboot

Now if you go back and check the Storage, you will then see the new OS will show up.

Additional information

If you know the mount point and label,

i.e. /mnt/edvr/1 and /dev/sda, /dev/sdb/ or /dev/sdc  Then you can do this…

First, Close the Exacq software….DO NOT JUST MINIMIZE IT!!!

Go to the top left corner and click on Applications, Accessories and go to terminal and Open the terminal command window.

Next you will type the following commands, proceeded by pressing the <ENTER> key

There are no capital letters unless it states there are..

sudo service edvrserver stop

sudo gparted

(look in the gparted window for your new drive. You will click the drop down in the upper right hand corner and see how it shows up…/dev/sdX  X=the letter of the drive. Below, you will substitute the X for the actual letter of your drive. It is not capital) If you have more than (1) recording drive you need to look at the mount points of the other recording drives…/mnt/edvr/?  Write down the mount points and you will just pick the next number, so if you only have (1) record drive and you are adding a second drive, yours is /mnt/edvr/2

sudo parted -s /dev/sdX mklabel gpt

sudo parted -s /dev/sdX unit MB print free

sudo parted -s /dev/sdX mkpart primary 0.02 XXXX

(the XXXX is the available free space you have total on the drive)

sudo mkfs.ext4 -L /mnt/edvr/x -E lazy_itable_init=1 /dev/sdxx

sudo mkdir /mnt/edvr/2  (whatever the mountpoint is)

If a new disk is being installed (instead of simply replacing a disk), label the directory in the file system:

a.) Open the file system label file with a simple text editor:

sudo gedit /etc/fstab

b.) Arrow down to the first blank line and add an entry for the new disk:

NOTE: Change ext4 to ext3 if on Ubuntu 8.04.

For the first disk only: LABEL=/mnt/edvr/1 /mnt/edvr/1 ext4 defaults 0 0

For the second disk only: LABEL=/mnt/edvr/2 /mnt/edvr/2 ext4 defaults 0 0  

(you will probably have to add this line, you can copy the line above it and just paste changing the 1 to 2)

Save it and close gedit

sudo udevadm trigger

sudo mount -a  (verify it comes back with no errors)

sudo service edvrserver start